Maria Emmanouela Petsa
Retail Tech and B2B Software Lead
Maria is an Entrepreneur Experience Associate on the Entrepreneur Experience team, managing the Retail Tech portfolio companies
She grew up in Pangrati, the most delightful neighborhood in the heart of Athens. Ever since she was a kid, she was sure she was destined to be a lawyer, eventually studying law at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Joining AIESEC during that time, she realized her true passion was actually entrepreneurship. This epiphany whisked her away to France, where she pursued a master’s in Global Management and immersed herself in Paris's vibrant startup scene.
Maria joined Endeavor to dive into the Greek startup ecosystem and make waves. She truly believes everyone has their own special sparkle and adds to the world's growth and awesomeness. Her mission? To bring her unique flair to every moment and leave a positive mark on the world. Plus, she’s all about cheering others on to do the same and shine their brightest too!
"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do." - Rob Siltanen
This quote resonates deeply with her because it captures the essence of what it means to be driven by passion and a vision for change. Just like the quote suggests, it's the bold and sometimes "crazy" ideas that push boundaries and drive innovation.
In this Department
Maria Emmanouela in 3
Hidden Talent
A lawyer that loves coding
Bucket List
Backpacking in Latin America
Favorite Season
Spring in Paris